Duplicating a MySQL table, indexes and data
How do I copy / clone / duplicate the data, structure and indexes of a MySQL table to a new one?
This is what I've found so far.
This will copy the data and the structure, but not the indexes:
create table {new_table} select * from {old_table};
This will copy the structure and indexes, but not the data:
create table {new_table} like {old_table};
To copy with indexes and triggers do these 2 queries:
CREATE TABLE newtable LIKE oldtable;
INSERT newtable SELECT * FROM oldtable;
To copy just structure and data use this one:
CREATE TABLE tbl_new AS SELECT * FROM tbl_old;
I've asked this before:
Copy a MySQL table including indexes
CREATE TABLE tbl_new AS SELECT * FROM tbl_old;
Go to phpMyAdmin and select your original table then select " Operations " tab in the ' Copy table to (database.table) ' area select the database where you want to copy and add a name for your new table.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/38038.html上一篇: MySQL中的模式/数据库之间的区别
下一篇: 复制MySQL表,索引和数据