Owin Bearer Token With Windows Authentication


I'm looking for a solution for this problem for a couple weeks.

I have to develop a ASP.Net WebAPI solution that uses the Windows Authentication mode and generates a bearer token through Identity/Owin middleware.

The idea of this solution is to communicate with an AngularJS application and authenticate like the most WebAPI does with Identity.

When I try to make an example of the FormBased Authentication, but with the Windows Authentication mode, the WebAPI can recognize the credentials in the controllers, but not in the Bearer Token Generator.

Do anyone had this issue before or know how to fix this?

Thanks everyone.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/3814.html

上一篇: ASP.NET核心Web API身份验证

下一篇: 拥有Windows身份验证的Owin持票人令牌