How to extract code from .Rdata file?

I have .Rdata file that "stores" some logic/code. How can I extract the code written in this .Rdata file?

I want to edit/fix this code, but instead the general pipeline loads this .Rdata with it's variables and SVM model without the option to fix and edit.

Please advise.

PS .Rdata saves a workspace, which includes the function and value objects created during an open session in R, I need the actual logic/code/initialization done in order to create these objects, for example I get the svm model fit result but not the code that created this object, that is what I need.

You can try loading the RData file, and listing its contents:

load("mydata.RData", verbose=TRUE)

Then, you can view the code behind the objects loaded. For instance, if you just loaded a function called myfunc you could view the definition by just entering the function's name:


上一篇: Python读取.RData并保存到csv

下一篇: 如何从.Rdata文件中提取代码?