Supporting between GL versions 3.1 and 4.x

Since I've been studying OpenGL, I've been running into a bit of dilemma: while I have a good video card which supports GL 4.3 ( nVidia GTX 550 ti model), my laptop is running off of integrated graphics (Intel HD 3000, from an i5-2410M to be exact), which runs version 3.1. I have no idea if this card is even capable of supporting OpenGL 3.2.

Either way, if it turns out that a driver update is all that's needed for core i3/i5 processors to support OpenGL 3.2+, I'm still not sure where I should look or what exactly I need to pay attention to in order support between 3.x and 4.x.

For example, AFAIK GLSL 1.4 doesn't support a shader which uses the layout(location=x) in blah blah feature. But, does GLSL 1.5?

What about preprocessor directives in C/C++ as well as GLSL which I can use to distinguish between what features work with what? Or, is it more recommended (in either GLSL's or C/C++'s case) to just write completely separate header/source/shader files which take care of this?

Since I only plan to be supporting 3.x to 4.x, I know this should be simpler than it very well could be.


After a recent driver update on my laptop, it turns out that, as Nicol Bolas also stated, there currently is not (and likely won't ever be) any support for 3.2 on Intel 3000 cards. Therefore, to make this question simpler, I'd like to know what shading language features (be it in an answer or an external URL) I can and cannot implement on version 3.1 in comparison to 3.3 and above. Any OpenGL specific C/C++ features/functions which pertain to this would also be appreciated.

My goal is to basically be able to know what I have to do in order to mediate between the project I'm working on (which is currently using a GL 4.0 context) to be compatible with a 3.1 context.

If anything is still unclear I'll update accordingly. Thanks.

What I usually do is check out the latest header at the OpenGL registry called glcorearb.h. It has a list of every function definition from 1.0 onwards, broken up with defines labeling the respective versions in which they were introduced (and eligible for).

I'm not 100% sure of where to get GLSL information, but they do keep the specifications for older releases, so you may be able to compare the latest to the older ones for that.

Edit: Corrected wrong link.

Check the spec and this for preprocessor directives and such.

Does this help?


上一篇: 使用LWJGL为OpenGL 3.3和2.1链接和编译着色器

下一篇: 支持GL版本3.1和4.x