Qt 5.6.3 does not choose correctly rendering mode
I've deploy desktop application that using QML. According to Qt docs, Qt automatically choose most relevant rendering mode. When I work from the Qt Creator, Qt runs correct mode (I've check it using Fraps and LogView). But if I run application from the folder (with dll binaries), app using Software rendering. If I delete opengl32.dll - app using native OpenGL mode.
Comparing results are below.
Run from the Creator:
qt.qpa.gl: Basic wglCreateContext gives version 4.6 qt.qpa.gl: OpenGL 2.0 entry points available qt.qpa.gl: GPU features: QSet()
qt.qpa.gl: supportedRenderers GpuDescription(vendorId=0x10de, deviceId=0x1201, subSysId=0x0, revision=161, driver: "nvd3dum.dll", version=, "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560") renderer: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x20) qt.qpa.gl: Qt: Using WGL and OpenGL from "opengl32.dll" qt.qpa.gl: create OpenGL: "NVIDIA Corporation","GeForce GTX 560/PCIe/SSE2" default ContextFormat: v4.6 profile: 0 options: QFlags(0x4),SampleBuffers, Extension-API present
Extensions: 326
Run from the folder:
qt.qpa.gl: Basic wglCreateContext gives version 3.0 qt.qpa.gl: OpenGL 2.0 entry points available qt.qpa.gl: GPU features: QSet() qt.qpa.gl: supportedRenderers GpuDescription(vendorId=0x10de, deviceId=0x1201, subSysId=0x0, revision=161, driver: "nvd3dum.dll", version=, "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560") renderer: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x20) qt.qpa.gl: Qt: Using WGL and OpenGL from "opengl32.dll" qt.qpa.gl: create OpenGL: "VMware, Inc.","Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.4, 128 bits)" default ContextFormat: v3.0 profile: 0 options: QFlags(0x4),SampleBuffers, Extension-API present
Extensions: 184
上一篇: 如何获得cuda版本?
下一篇: Qt 5.6.3没有选择正确的渲染模式