How do I choose/switch Leiningen profiles with Emacs nREPL?

I have a :dev profile set up in my leiningen project file. This defines an :init and :init-ns setting for my repl session. If I launch nrepl in emacs (Mx nrepl-jack-in) with the cursor over the :dev keyword in my project.clj, the repl launches and the :init and :init-ns settings are used. If I have my cursor elsewhere, the initial namespace is different (a test ns, not user), and :init hasn't been evaluated.

I'm guessing it's a feature of some sort, (I'm more inclined to think it's random buggy behaviour now) but can anyone explain it or point me at the docs that do so? Also, is there any way to change the profile once the repl's been launched?


Contrary to what commenter @user7610 said, there is no cider-jack-in-with-profile function in cider. Cider pull-request #544 was a bit misleading in that regard.

If you want cider to load your own special-snowflake profile do this in emacs:

  • Mx set-variable cider-lein-parameters to eg with-profile +my-special-snowflake repl :headless
  • or to set the variable interactively (so you can see it's current value before changing it):

  • Ch, v cider-lein-parameters and then click or hit enter on "customize" and set it there to eg with-profile +my-special-snowflake repl :headless and apply it
  • That'll cause your next cider-jack-in to load the my-special-snowflake profile in addition to the base profile (which is needed in order to run the nrepl and hence cider).

    I'm just searching the same feature and found this open issue in clojure-emacs/nrepl.el "Add argument to nrepl-jack-in to allow specification of profiles"

    it is still open

    Try this:

    (defun start-cider-repl-with-profile ()
      (letrec ((profile (read-string "Enter profile name: "))
               (lein-params (concat "with-profile +" profile " repl :headless")))
        (message "lein-params set to: %s" lein-params)
        (set-variable 'cider-lein-parameters lein-params)

    Test on CIDER 0.16.0 (Riga)


    上一篇: 无法在Emacs中获得nrepl的工作

    下一篇: 如何使用Emacs nREPL选择/切换Leiningen配置文件?