LD: Is the name of the value necessary?

I'm currently working on adding a structured data of the web application in /about-page. I want to add there a property. In the following code, I'm using both the name and value (as I saw in the schema.org).

Q: Do I have to use only value without the name , and set eg Modularity as a value and drop the description?

<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "product",
    "name":"Main features",
            "name": "Detailed documentation",
            "value": "description_of_the_documentation"
            "name": "Fully responsive",
            "value": "description_of_the_responsiveness"

    "name":"Other features",
            "name": "Modularity",
            "value": "description_of_the_modularity"
            "name": "Frequent updates",
            "value": "description_of_the_updates"

You could use a Boolean value for the value property.

  "@type": "PropertyValue",
  "name": "Modularity",
  "value": true

If you want to describe the feature, use the description property in addition.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/38618.html

上一篇: 如何从Firebase控制台删除Google项目?

下一篇: LD:必要的名称是什么?