How to remove Google project from Firebase Console?

I've project on Google Developer Console and I've added this here on Firebase Console. Now I've been forced to use Firebase Analytics instead of Google Analytics. So I want to remove/unlink my project back from firebase console only.

If I delete the project from Firebase Console, then project will also be deleted from Google Developer Console. What's the problem!

Please provide any solution.

Go to Click on project which you want tot delete. Go to Project settings. Scroll down and click on delete Project.

All Firebase projects are also Google Cloud projects. You can think of Firebase adding additional services to a core Cloud project.

There is nothing forcing you to use Firebase Analytics. You can also use Firebase Analytics along with Google Analytics at the same time. You get to choose.

Firebase Analytics is enabled by default when you integrate the SDK in your mobile app, but if you want to disable its data collection for whatever reason, see this documentation.


上一篇: getReference()与getChild()

下一篇: 如何从Firebase控制台删除Google项目?