django queryset filter datetimefield

I am strungling to use the django queryset API reference with filters based on the DateTimeField.

I have prepared the following model, in my

class KleedkamerIndeling(models.Model):

gametimedate = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False)    # date and time of game
hometeam = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True)                     # name of home playing team  team
homedressroom = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True)                # dressing room of home playing team
awayteam = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True)                     # name of visiting team team
awaydressroom = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True)                # dressing room of visiting team team
pitch = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True)                        # name / number of playing pitch
referee = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True)                      # name of referee
refdressroom = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True)                 # name/number of referee dressroom
timestamp = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True, auto_now=False)
indelings_datum = models.DateField() # need to change to datum added later

def __unicode__(self):
    return smart_unicode(self.hometeam)

I want to access the database based on the present date. Should be something like:

queryset = KleedkamerIndeling.objects.all().filter(

This worked before when I used a 'datefield' but I decided to go to a datetimefield because I also need the starting time of the game played.

I have seached the web and stackoverflow and found the following older topic, How can I filter a date of a DateTimeField in Django? but I stungle on the implemenation.

I want to create a queryset that obtains all the 'KleedkamerIndeling' that are available for today's date. Subsequently I want to check if there are more then 10 objects in the list. If that's the case than I want to further narrow it down based on the current time, also via a filter on the datetimefield. Lastly I want to sort the object list such that it is sorted on time.

I know that my problem has to do which the caracteristics of the datetimefield van I appreciate a couple lines of code to help me move foreward. I have been trying to find the right query in the python shell all afternoon....

My model most work because the queryset = KleedkamerIndeling.objects.all() seems to work and I am able to set up seperate list for each object called 'game0 through game10 from the queryset list.

I have a further issue on the datetimefield format:

I have defined a 'KleedkamerIndeling' that describes a game that starts at 13:00. I have used the objects in the queryset list to define 10 different 'game'objects. ie game0 = [queryset[0].hometeam etc... though game10 if applicable. The gametime field is displayed in the template via a filter like: {{game0.0|date:"H"}}:{{game0.0|date:"i"}}. I still end up with the ':' in the case of no game0 object. I plan to solve this via a if else script in the template or in the view, or is there a better way to fix this?

Since you are using a datetime field you want to make your query's using datetime objects. so first order the queryset from earliest to latest then filter out the events tat arn't occurring today.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time

today =
tomorrow = today + timedelta(1)
today_start = datetime.combine(today, time())
today_end = datetime.combine(tomorrow, time())

queryset = KleedkamerIndeling.objects.order_by('-gametimedate').filter(gametimedate__gte=today_start).filter(gametimedate__lt=today_end)

After that we can check if there are more then 10 objects, filter by the current time, and limit the queryset to 10 objects.

if queryset.count() > 10:
  queryset = KleedkamerIndeling.objects.filter([:10]

上一篇: Django的

下一篇: django queryset过滤器datetimefield