Fastest way to get the first object from a queryset in django?

Often I find myself wanting to get the first object from a queryset in Django, or return None if there aren't any. There are lots of ways to do this which all work. But I'm wondering which is the most performant.

qs = MyModel.objects.filter(blah = blah)
if qs.count() > 0:
    return qs[0]
    return None

Does this result in two database calls? That seems wasteful. Is this any faster?

qs = MyModel.objects.filter(blah = blah)
if len(qs) > 0:
    return qs[0]
    return None

Another option would be:

qs = MyModel.objects.filter(blah = blah)
    return qs[0]
except IndexError:
    return None

This generates a single database call, which is good. But requires creating an exception object a lot of the time, which is a very memory-intensive thing to do when all you really need is a trivial if-test.

How can I do this with just a single database call and without churning memory with exception objects?

Django 1.6(2013年11月发布)引入了便利方法first()last() ,该方法吞下产生的异常,如果queryset不返回对象,则返回None

The correct answer is


Which can be used in:


You wouldn't want to first turn it into a list because that would force a full database call of all the records. Just do the above and it will only pull the first. You could even use .order_by to ensure you get the first you want.

Be sure to add the .get() or else you will get a QuerySet back and not an object.

r = list(qs[:1])
if r:
  return r[0]
return None

上一篇: 带有值列表的Django过滤器

下一篇: 从django的查询集中获取第一个对象的最快方法是什么?