Lucene, Sphinx, Postgresql, MySQL?
I'm building a Django site and I am looking for a search engine.
A few candidates:
Lucene/Lucene with Compass/Solr
Postgresql built-in full text search
MySQl built-in full text search
Selection criteria:
Anyone who has had experience with the search engines above, or other engines not in the list -- I would love to hear your opinions.
EDIT: As for indexing needs, as users keep entering data into the site, those data would need to be indexed continuously. It doesn't have to be real time, but ideally new data would show up in index with no more than 15 - 30 minutes delay
Good to see someone's chimed in about Lucene - because I've no idea about that.
Sphinx, on the other hand, I know quite well, so let's see if I can be of some help.
I've no idea how applicable to your situation this is, but Evan Weaver compared a few of the common Rails search options (Sphinx, Ferret (a port of Lucene for Ruby) and Solr), running some benchmarks. Could be useful, I guess.
I've not plumbed the depths of MySQL's full-text search, but I know it doesn't compete speed-wise nor feature-wise with Sphinx, Lucene or Solr.
I don't know Sphinx, but as for Lucene vs a database full-text search, I think that Lucene performance is unmatched. You should be able to do almost any search in less than 10 ms, no matter how many records you have to search, provided that you have set up your Lucene index correctly.
Here comes the biggest hurdle though: personally, I think integrating Lucene in your project is not easy. Sure, it is not too hard to set it up so you can do some basic search, but if you want to get the most out of it, with optimal performance, then you definitely need a good book about Lucene.
As for CPU & RAM requirements, performing a search in Lucene doesn't task your CPU too much, though indexing your data is, although you don't do that too often (maybe once or twice a day), so that isn't much of a hurdle.
It doesn't answer all of your questions but in short, if you have a lot of data to search, and you want great performance, then I think Lucene is definitely the way to go. If you're not going to have that much data to search, then you might as well go for a database full-text search. Setting up a MySQL full-text search is definitely easier in my book.
I am surprised that there isn't more information posted about Solr. Solr is quite similar to Sphinx but has more advanced features (AFAIK as I haven't used Sphinx -- only read about it).
The answer at the link below details a few things about Sphinx which also applies to Solr. Comparison of full text search engine - Lucene, Sphinx, Postgresql, MySQL?
Solr also provides the following additional features:
BTW, there are tons more features; however, I've listed just the features that I have actually used in production. BTW, out of the box, MySQL supports #1, #3, and #11 (limited) on the list above. For the features you are looking for, a relational database isn't going to cut it. I'd eliminate those straight away.
Also, another benefit is that Solr (well, Lucene actually) is a document database (eg NoSQL) so many of the benefits of any other document database can be realized with Solr. In other words, you can use it for more than just search (ie Performance). Get creative with it :)
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