Generating synthetic social networks?

I have come across a number of social network analysis tools but I was wondering if there are any libraries that let you generate synthetic social networks like the Watts and Strogatz model or the Barabási-Albert Scale-Free networks or a network dependent on the Caveman model. Whatever I have come across are either pure algorithms or implementations in Fortran which is not really my language of expertise.

What I am currently looking for is a way to set the properties of the social network and be able to generate a synthetic network (adjacency list perhaps) for further analysis. Does anyone have any suggestions?


igraph supports the network models you mention. It has C, Python and R wrappers. If you want to develop more sophisticated / realistic social networks you could specify an ergm model and simulate from it using the statnet R packages.


上一篇: 2排序整数数组的有效排序笛卡尔乘积

下一篇: 生成综合社交网络?