Visual Studio: references in code not recognized?
I have a solution in VS2008 (C#) that contains multiple projects. I just retooled some of the .csproj files for our build process, and suddenly while coding Project B won't recognize references from Project A in the class code...think the red squiggly lines under a variable type I've created. However, building the solution generates no errors. Why's it behaving like this?
I would suggest that you clear your Visual Studio temp files - it can often get confused about project structures and require a fresh start.
First, quit out of VS completely and restart it. If the problem is still there, find your VS cache folder and delete it, and then do a rebuild.
For help finding your cache folder, check this post.
When VS starts acting strangely wonky, and I can't find a logical fix, I kill Visual Studio, and manually do a 'clean' by deleting all of the bin/obj folders.
I have a batch file that does this for me quicker than I could do it manually. I place this in my solution directory, and all my projects are found in subdirectories.
rem "%%~dpa" says: Give me the (d)drive and (p)path of the (a, %%a) file.
rem However, our dir /a:d will result in only listing folders...
rem The final "%%a" is just appending the 'file' (diretory name) to the
rem drive-and-path string
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a:d *.*') do call :process "%%~dpa%%a"
goto :eof
echo Looking in %1
cd "%1"
if EXIST "%1bin" (
echo Found 'bin' - it's gone now.
rd /s /q "%1bin"
if EXIST "%1obj" (
echo Found 'obj' - it's gone now.
rd /s /q "%1obj"
cd ..