Using scp to copy a file to Amazon EC2 instance?
I am trying to use my Mac Terminal to scp a file from Downloads (phpMyAdmin I downloaded online) to my Amazon EC2 instance.
The command I used was:
scp -i myAmazonKey.pem phpMyAdmin-3.4.5-all-languages.tar.gz
The error I got: Warning: Identity file myAmazonKey.pem not accessible: No such file or directory. Permission denied (publickey). lost connection
Both my myAmazonkey.pem and phpMyAdmin-3.4.5-all-languages.tar.gz are in Downloads, so then I tried
scp -i /Users/Hello_Kitty22/Downloads/myAmazonKey.pem /Users/Hello_Kitty22/Downloads/phpMyAdmin-3.4.5-all-languages.tar.gz
and the error I got: Warning: Identity file /User/Hello_Kitty22/Downloads/myAmazonkey.pem not accessible: No such file or directory. Permission denied (publickey). lost connection
Can anyone please tell me how to fix my problem?
ps there is a similar post: scp (secure copy) to ec2 instance without password but it doesn't answer my question.
Try specifying the user to be ec2-user
, eg
scp -i myAmazonKey.pem phpMyAdmin-3.4.5-all-languages.tar.gz
See Connecting to Linux/UNIX Instances Using SSH.
second directory is your target destination, don't use server name there. In other words, you don't need to mention machine name for the machine you're currently in.
scp -i /path/to/your/.pemkey -r /copy/from/path user@server:/copy/to/path
-r if it's a directory.
Your key must not be publicly viewable for SSH to work. Use this command if needed:
chmod 400 yourPublicKeyFile.pem