Are there any open source C libraries with common data structures?
我正在寻找一个C库,它具有常见的可重用数据结构,如链接列表,散列表等。类似于由Kyle Loudon用C(平装书)进行Mastering Algorithms分发的源代码。
BSD queue.h has:
BSD tree.h has:
See the queue(3) and tree(3) man pages for details. I really like them because they are pure C macros without dependencies (not even libc). Plus with the BSD license you don't have to worry about any company restrictions w/ GPL.
gnulib, the gnu portability library.
It's distributed as source code. This list is from its module list, which includes a TON of other things. One interesting one is "c-stack: Stack overflow handling, causing program exit."
上一篇: 为什么.NET中没有Tree <T>类?
下一篇: 有没有公共数据结构的开源C库?