o to be a strict upper bound?
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Your intuition looks correct, but I am not sure about your use of terms.
From Wikipedia: big-O vs little-o
In this way, little-o notation makes a stronger statement than the corresponding big-O notation: every function that is little-o of g is also big-O of g, but not every function that is big-O of g is also little-o of g (for instance g itself is not, unless it is identically zero near ∞).
Another useful quote:
the relation f(x) = o(g(x)) is equivalent to
lim(f(x)/g(x)) = 0 (when x -> ∞)
the relation f(x) = O(g(x)) is equivalent to
lim(f(x)/g(x)) < ∞ (when x -> ∞)
上一篇: 下界和紧束缚的区别?
下一篇: o是一个严格的上限?