Face recognition and aging faces in c++

Hello I'm looking for some good library (opensource) that allows me to do face recognition and to easily aging faces.

Take a look for example at: http://www.in20years.com/

I need some library cross platform (not just for windows), and I would integrate that code into some iPhone Applications.

Any Suggestions?

Many thanks!

A basic image processing and computer vision library is OpenCV. This is the first thing to look into, but sincerely - don't expect to have all what you need already implemented there.

There are some facial recognition API providers. Face++ is the only one who supply all free online APIs and SDKs. It can do facial detection with up to 83 key points, and give the race, age, gender, smiling messages and so on. Maybe you can try its local iOS facial detector for your iPhone Apps.

Here's the webpage: www.faceplusplus.com

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/3990.html

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