Where do we put the Servlets in the directory structure of Tomcat?

I copied a HelloServlet application i got from the web and put it in the ROOT folder. I ran the server and it doesn't work. What is wrong? I think its about the location of the Java classes.

this documentation should help you


/WEB-INF/classes/ - This directory contains any Java class files (and associated resources) required for your application, including both servlet and non-servlet classes, that are not combined into JAR files. If your classes are organized into Java packages, you must reflect this in the directory hierarchy under /WEB-INF/classes/. For example, a Java class named com.mycompany.mypackage.MyServlet would need to be stored in a file named /WEB-INF/classes/com/mycompany/mypackage/MyServlet.class.

you have to put the web application in webapp folder in tomcat.

Also the url should be


You should put them in WEB-INF/classes . "This directory is for servlets, utility classes, and the Java compiler output directory"

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/3992.html

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下一篇: 我们将Servlets放在Tomcat的目录结构中?