IE8 moves content on mouseover

This is one of the strangest bugs I've ever encountered.

Feel free to check it out here.

Basically the issue ONLY exists in IE8/Windows (not IE7 or 9 however). The problem happens when you mouse over the What's Hot image, or any image below that on subsequent rows. Upon mousing over, it shifts all the content down. Could this be due to an issue in clearing the floats? That's my best guess but I can't quite seem to narrow down where the problem lies.

First, you should fix all the validation errors on your page. Invalid markup is the #1 cause of weird browser behavior.

You have 75 errors, and 17 warnings.

Next, you have abotu a zillion stylesheets and selectors.. You might want to prune your css tree and only apply the CSS that's necessary for the page.


上一篇: 边框在IE中的按钮之外,但不在FF,Chrome,Safari中

下一篇: IE8在mouseover上移动内容