Code Contracts trying to get build errors instead of warnings

I'm trying to get VS2010 Ultimate with Code Contracts to generate Errors instead of Warnings.

I have this simple test program:

using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

namespace MyError
  public class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args)
         Program prog = new Program();

     public void Log(string msg)
         Contract.Requires(msg != null);

It correctly determines there is a violation of the contract:

C:...Program.cs(10,13): warning : CodeContracts: requires is false: msg != null

In my csproj file there is this property field for Debug:

TreatWarningsAsErrors > true

Is there something else I have to set in the project settings to turn these into errors?


The problem is that the code contracts use a rewriter. they show as warnings because they are only calculated after the build completes.

Well i don't really know how it works, but unless you built code contracts into the compiler i do not see how they could be anything but warnings / messages.


上一篇: 如何删除推送到远程存储库的提交?

下一篇: 代码合同试图获得构建错误而不是警告