variables scope confusion in javascript

This question already has an answer here:

  • What is the scope of variables in JavaScript? 25 answers

  • There are only two kinds of scope in Javascript; function scope and global scope.

    The code inside the if statement doesn't have a scope of its own, so the variable inside the if statement is the same one as the one outside it.

    Declaring a variable more than once in a scope doesn't create more than one variable. The var keyword inside the if statement is ignored as the variable already is declared once in the scope, so it's just an assignment.

    Note also that the declaration of variables is hoisted to the top of the scope, so even if a declaration is inside a code block that is not executed, the variable is still created:

    var foo = 1; // a global variable
    (function() {
      console.log(foo) //outputs "undefined"
      foo = 2; // sets the local variable
      if(false) {
        var foo = 3; // creates the local variable, but the assignment never happens
      console.log(foo) //outputs 2
    console.log(foo) //outputs 1

    if does not introduce a scope block (I understand it does in some langauges). In JavaScript, only function() {} creates a scope block.


    上一篇: 未捕获的ReferenceError:lat未定义

    下一篇: 变量范围混淆在JavaScript中