ReactJS: Pass parameter from rails to react router to component

I am trying to pass a value from the render function to the component:

= react_component('App', props: {test: 'abc'}, prerender: false)


<Route path="/" component={App} >

App.jsx (component)

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Header test={this.props.test}>
      <Footer />

App.propTypes = { test: PropTypes.string };

There does not seem to be a coherent answer to this complete flow.

I have tried the following:

<Route path="/" component={() => (<App myProp="value" />)}/>

But this still does not answer the question of picking up the value provided by the initial render call(react_component)

Looking for an end to end answer on how to pass a parameter from the "view" to the "react router" to the "component"

We will start from the view:

<%= react_component('MyRoute', {test: 123}, prerender: false) %>

Now we will create a component that holds our route :

class MyRoute extends Component{
        <Route path="/" render={() => <App test={this.props.test} />} />
        <Route path="/login" component={Login} />

As you can see, we passed the test prop from the Route component to the App component. Now we can use the test prop in the App component:

class App extends Component{

<Route path="/" render={attr => <App {...attr} test="abc" />} />

In Router v3 you would do something like this

Wrap your App component under withRouter like this

import { withRouter } from 'react-router';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Header test={this.props.test}>
        this.props.children &&
        React.clone(this.props.children, {...this.props} )}
      <Footer />
App.propTypes = { test: PropTypes.string };
export const APP = withRouter(App);

And construct your routes like this...

<Route path="/" component={APP}>
  <Route path="/lobby" component={Lobby} />
  <Route path="/map" component={GameMap} />

So your child routes will be rendered inside the APP children property an the props will be passed down to them.

Hope this helps!


上一篇: SOLR从站正在执行完整复制,因为它无法删除未使用的索引目录

下一篇: ReactJS:传递参数从路由器反应路由器到组件