Get name of current class?
How do I get the name of the class I am currently in?
def get_input(class_name):
[do things]
return class_name_result
class foo():
input = get_input([class name goes here])
Due to the nature of the program I am interfacing with (vistrails), I cannot use __init__()
to initialize input
will get you any objects name, so you can do this:
class Clazz():
def getName(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
>>> c = Clazz()
>>> c.getName()
Within the body of a class, the class name isn't defined yet, so it is not available. Can you not simply type the name of the class? Maybe you need to say more about the problem so we can find a solution for you.
I would create a metaclass to do this work for you. It's invoked at class creation time (conceptually at the very end of the class: block), and can manipulate the class being created. I haven't tested this:
class InputAssigningMetaclass(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
cls.input = get_input(name)
return super(MyType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, newattrs)
class MyBaseFoo(object):
__metaclass__ = InputAssigningMetaclass
class foo(MyBaseFoo):
# etc, no need to create 'input'
class foo2(MyBaseFoo):
# etc, no need to create 'input'
You can access it by the class' private attributes:
cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
As said by Ned Batcheler
, this wouldn't work in the class body, but it would in a method.
上一篇: python循环再次导入(又称这个设计有什么问题)
下一篇: 获取当前课程的名称?