How to sort duplicated Strings using comparator?
Say i have a list containing workers, each workers has 3 fields: its name, the department he's working in (can be just the name of the department or an Object from the class Department) and his salary.
Elvis Software Engineering 1000
Samba Mechanical Engineering 2000
Bamba Industrial Engineering 3000
Bisli Medical Engineering 4000
Kinder Electrical Engineering 1000
Elvis Software Engineering 9999
now i want to sort them by their names and put the result in a Queue. and than put the queue in a map, ordered from the bottom to the top so the result i desire after the sort is:
Bamba Industrial Engineering 3000
Bisli Medical Engineering 4000
Elvis Software Engineering 1000
Elvis Software Engineering 9999
Samba Mechanical Engineering 2000
Kinder Electrical Engineering 1000
I'm not allowed to use Collection.sort(), so i'm using a comparator that sorts the workers by their names, if the name is equal - it sorts by the department, if the department is equal - it sorts by the salary. here's the comparator i wrote:
class WorkerComparatorByName implements Comparator<Worker<?>> {
public int compare(Worker<?> w1, Worker<?> w2) {
int compareValue = w1.getName().compareTo(w2.getName());
if (compareValue != 0)
return compareValue;
compareValue = w1.getDepartment().toString().compareTo(w2.getDepartment().toString());
if (compareValue != 0)
return compareValue;
return w1.getSalary() - w2.getSalary();
problem is that the result is this:
Bamba Industrial Engineering 3000
Bisli Medical Engineering 4000
Elvis Software Engineering 1000
Samba Mechanical Engineering 2000
Kinder Electrical Engineering 1000
Elvis Software Engineering 9999
all the workers are sorted, but Elvis (which is duplicated) is NOT sorted, it stays at the end of the queue. I tried replacing Elvis with another duplicated name, and same result. What am i missing? how can i sort duplicated value so they'll be one after the other? Here's the code:
public <T extends Worker<?>> Map<?, ?> createMap(ArrayList<T> list) {
int i = 1;
// creating a PriorityQueue sorted by names
Queue<T> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(new WorkerComparatorByName());
// filling the PriorityQueue with the workers
Map<Integer, T> treeMap = new TreeMap<Integer, T>();
// iterating over the PriorityQueue and puting the workers in the map
for (T element : pq)
treeMap.put(i++, element);
return treeMap;
PriorityQueue API:
The Iterator provided in method iterator() is not guaranteed to traverse the elements of the priority queue in any particular order. If you need ordered traversal, consider using Arrays.sort(pq.toArray()).
// creating a PriorityQueue sorted by names
Queue<T> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(new WorkerComparatorByName());
// filling the PriorityQueue with the workers
Map<Integer, T> treeMap = new TreeMap<Integer, T>();
int size = pq.size();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
treeMap.put(j + 1, pq.poll());
Used this question as an streaming/lambda exercise, also used some Java 8 comparing
goodies. Saw that you ended up using a TreeSet
, which is a good solution, but I am adding this anyway if someone would be interested.
PriorityQueue<Worker> queue =
new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparing(Worker::getName)
TreeMap<Integer, Worker> treeMap =
IntStream.range(1, queue.size() + 1)
o -> queue.poll(),
(u, v) -> { throw new Error("Will never happen"); },
上一篇: Rxjava 2与相机异常
下一篇: 如何使用比较器对重复的字符串进行排序?