How to remove focus from single editText

Possible Duplicate:
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup?

In my application I have a single EditText together with some TextViews, button and a spinner. My EditText receives focus since it is the only focusable view in this activity, I believe. My EditText shows with an orange border and cursor on the field.
Now I would like to remove the focus from this field (I don't want the cursor and border to show). Is there a way to do this?
I have been able to focus on the button by doing button.seFocusableInTouchMode() and button.requestFocus(). But this highlights the button and is obviously not what I want.



new to android.. tried


it works for me.. kindly correct me if there is something wrong :)

just to add .. you layout should have:


上一篇: editText不会失去焦点

下一篇: 如何从单个editText中删除焦点