How can I extend draggable area of jQuery draggable
Trying to enhance usability of a jQuery draggable I run into following issue. I have a div container, containing an (small) image and a text, giving the user the oportunity to drag the image into an text editor.
If I add the .draggable to the img everything works fine, but since the image is quite small usability is not good.
So, what I want to do is making the div container draggable, but only drag the img. Do anyone knows a solution?
EDIT: here is the code
HTML += '<div id="row''" class="box downloadfilerow" style="opacity: 1;height:'+(that.options.previewMaxHeight)+'px;overflow-y:auto;padding:8px 0px 8px 2px;border-bottom:1px solid #DDD;">';
if (file.preview_url) {
if (<?=json_encode($uploadAllowed)?>) {
HTML +='<div class="delete">';
HTML +='<button class="btn" style="float:right;margin:'+(that.options.previewMaxHeight/8)+'px;" id="del''" title="<?=Yii::t('widgets/FileSelector', 'Delete')?>" rel="tooltip">';
HTML +='<i class="icon-trash"></i>';
HTML +='</button>';
//HTML +='<input type="checkbox" name="delete" value="1" style="float:left;margin:0px 10px;height:'+that.options.previewMaxHeight+'px;">';
HTML +='</div>';
HTML +='<div style="float:left;height:'+that.options.previewMaxHeight+'px"><img data-view-url="'+file.view_url+'" style="float:left;cursor:move;max-width:'+that.options.previewMaxWidth+'px;max-height:'+that.options.previewMaxHeight+'px;" data-file="''" data-filename="''" id="''" src="'+ file.preview_url +'"></div>';
HTML += namedLink;
HTML += fileSize;
$("#row"{ helper: 'clone', zIndex: 2700, appendTo: 'body'});
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