state returned as function or object literal
I ran into a problem the other day, and asked the great stack community for a solution.
The problem:
I nested the same module in other modules but I was defining state in this way:
state: {
// some state here
What was happening is all of my modules despite seeming being nested under disparate modules all shared the same state.
The solution
state() {
return {
// state here instead
The solution is to have a function return state rather than define it as an object literal. The why somewhat makes sense. Here are my questions
New questions
What is happening under the hood of the store when state is defined as an object literal versus a function returning an object literal?
Why would you ever not use the function version? It seems like easily the default choice, but even in vuex docs for modules
, they opt to show state as an object literal.
tl;dr The reason for using a function is Module Reuse .
What is happening under the hood of the store when state is defined as an object literal versus a function returning an object literal?
For that, better check under the hood:
var Store = function Store (options) {
// ...
var state = options.state; if ( state === void 0 ) state = {};
if (typeof state === 'function') {
state = state() || {};
The code above, as you can see, checks if a state
was provided. If not, it assigns an empty object ( {}
) as initial state
Next it checks if state
was a function
. If it was, it executes it and assigns to state
what it returned. If it returned undefined
(or any falsy value) it, again, assigns to state
the empty object {}
So that's the difference between providing state
as an object or function: if one was provided, it is executed. If an object is provided, it is assigned directly.
Why would you ever not use the function version? It seems like easily the default choice, but even in vuex docs for modules, they opt to show state as an object literal.
In general, yes, the object version may be more common, because you typically only declare the store
object (and its state
) once and just use it in your Vue instance.
A use case for the state
function, otoh, is Module Reuse :
Module Reuse
Sometimes we may need to create multiple instances of a module, for example:
Another possible case would be if you declared a Vuex module just once and attempted to use it more than one time under different namespaces .
As the examples above are similar, here's a demo (of the module case) to illustrate the problem:
const personModule = {
namespaced: true,
state: {name: "name"},
mutations: {
changeName(state, data) { = data }
const myStore = new Vuex.Store({
strict: true,
modules: {
aliceNamespace: personModule,
bobNamespcace: personModule
new Vue({
store: myStore,
el: '#app',
mounted() {
computed: {
...Vuex.mapState('aliceNamespace', {alicesName: 'name'}),
...Vuex.mapState('bobNamespcace', {bobsName: 'name'})
methods: {
...Vuex.mapMutations('aliceNamespace', {changeAlicesName: 'changeName'}),
...Vuex.mapMutations('bobNamespcace', {changeBobsName: 'changeName'})
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p>Alice's name: {{ alicesName }}</p>
<p>Bob's name: {{ bobsName }}</p>
<button @click="changeAlicesName('Eve')">Change Alice's Name</button>
上一篇: docker中的“精简池”是什么意思?
下一篇: 状态作为函数或对象文字返回