Azure SDK 1.3 opens two browser windows (or tabs)

Why is it that when run I website using Azure SDK 1.3 it opens two browser windows (or tabs) despite the fact that I have only defined one end point:

  <Site name="Web">
      <Binding name="Endpoint1" endpointName="Endpoint1" />

What do I have to do to get just one browser window appearing when I run (using F5) my Azure application from Visual Studio?

As it looks this was a clear Azure SDK bug. Now with August 2011 update, this error have disappeared. Only one browser window is now opened.

Latest Azure SDK.

I'm going to take a guess and say that you've configured Chrome as your default browser in Visual Studio.

I got the same result with Chrome; when I switched the default browser to IE inside Visual Studio, only one browser launched when I started my app.

Oddly, with Firefox was my default browser, Visual Studio launched one instance of Firefox and one instance of Chrome.

This looks like a bug or odd configuration glitch that we both share inside Visual Studio and/or the Azure 1.3 SDK.

If you enabled HTTPS in you CloudService, it will launch two browser windows one for http ad another for https. If this is the case go to your *.CloudService project and double click on the role you are starting(inside Roles folder). It should open a configuration window where you can set Launch browser for http and/or https.


上一篇: 访问复数的实部和虚部

下一篇: Azure SDK 1.3打开两个浏览器窗口(或选项卡)