Maximum request length exceeded exception, maxContentLength not working

I know that this problem has a solution in stackoverflow, but it didn't work for me. I will be more specific below:

I had typical Maximum request length exceeded exception:

HTTP Error 404.13 - Not Found The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that exceeds the request content length.

That's my changes to web.config, under system.web:

  <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="200000" executionTimeout="300" />

and under system.webServer:

        <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="false">
            <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="200000000" />

I also made this changes in applicationHost. On one machine these worked like charm. That was windows 7 + iis 7.5. But on another with windows server 2008 + iis 7.0 I cannot get upload of 19 MB to work. I really dont know what to do now. Please help anyone.

OK. That machine was client's machine. Apparently he changed something in IIS manager regarding one of the site's subfolders and IIS manager created web.config in subfolder that was overriding my setting in parent.


上一篇: IIS:使用https和GET的WCF服务

下一篇: 最大请求长度超出异常,maxContentLength不起作用