Python copy file but keep original

This question already has an answer here:

  • How do I copy a file in python? 14 answers

  • 这个怎么样?

    $ ls
    $ touch randomfile.dat
    $ ls
    $ python
    >>> import time
    >>> src_filename = 'randomfile.dat'
    >>> dst_filename = src_filename + time.strftime('.%Y%m%d%H%M')
    >>> import shutil
    >>> shutil.copy(src_filename, dst_filename)
    >>> [Ctrl+D]
    $ ls

    from shutil import copy
    from time import time
    fn = 'random.dat'
    copy(fn, fn+'.'+str(time()))

    When you open the file, you can specify how you want to open it with "r" , "w" , or "a" . "a" will append to the file (r - read, w - write).


    with open("randomfile.dat", "a") as file:
        file.write("some timestamp")

    Or, if you'd like to preserve this original and make a copy, then you need to open this file, copy it, and then open a new file and write to a new file

    # empty list to store contents from reading file
    file_contents = []
    # open file you wish to read
    with open('randomfile.dat', 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
    # open new file to be written to
    with open('newfile.txt', 'w') as newfile:
        for element in file_contents:
        newfile.write("some timestamp")

    Any line feeds (n) will be preserved by the reader and it essentially reads the file line by line. Then you write, line by line, to a new file. After the loop ends, add the timestamp so it writes to the very bottom of the file.

    Edit: Just realized OP wanted to do something slightly different. This would still work but you'd need to open the new file with the timestamp appended:

    import datetime
    datestring ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    with open('newfile' + datestring + '.txt', 'w') as newfile:
        for element in file_contents:

    But as others mention, you might be better off with a module for this.


    上一篇: 将所有项目从文件名存储到另一个然后返回该文件

    下一篇: Python复制文件,但保持原来的