MySQL timezone change?

How do I change my timezone which is currently in UTC to GMT +1, what is the correct line and do i just enter it in phpMyAdmin SQL execution?

My host just gave me this link and went off so I'm kinda lost thanks

issue the command:

SET time_zone = 'America/New_York';

(Or whatever time zone GMT+1 is.:

This is the command to set the MySQL timezone for an individual client, assuming that your clients are spread accross multiple time zones.

This command should be executed before every SQL command involving dates. If your queries go thru a class, then this is easy to implement.

The easiest way to do this, as noted by Umar is, for example

mysql> SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/New_York';

Using the named timezone is important for timezone that has a daylights saving adjustment. However, for some linux builds you may get the following response:

#1298 - Unknown or incorrect time zone

If you're seeing this, you may need to run a tzinfo_to_sql translation... it's easy to do, but not obvious. From the linux command line type in:

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/|mysql -u root mysql -p

Provide your root password (MySQL root, not Linux root) and it will load any definitions in your zoneinfo into mysql. You can then go back and run your

mysql> SET GLOBAL time_zone = timezone;

While Bryon's answer is helpful, I'd just add that his link is for PHP timezone names, which are not the same as MySQL timezone names.

If you want to set your timezone for an individual session to GMT+1 (UTC+1 to be precise) just use the string '+01:00' in that command. Ie:

SET time_zone = '+01:00';

To see what timezone your MySQL session is using, just execute this:

SELECT @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;

This is a great reference with more details: MySQL 5.5 Reference on Time Zones


上一篇: MySQL TIMESTAMP到QDateTime,以毫秒为单位

下一篇: MySQL的时区更改?