How to append anchor tag from one place to another?
This question already has an answer here:
Or simply
If you have many link to append to diagram div you could use
document.getElementsByClassName("diagram")[0].innerHTML+='<a href="">File</a>';
I would recommend you something like this:
var diagram=document.getElementsByClassName('diagram')[0];
var uploadedfiles=document.getElementsByClassName('uploadedfiles');
var l=uploadedfiles.length;
for(var i=0;i<l;i++){
This code deletes every node with class 'uploadedfiles' and adds it into the 'diagram' node.
Edit: sorry, didn't notice you wanted jQuery code. I rather like the pure js-coding, so I can't help you with jQuery. But I think the other answers are correct. This code can be helpfull for those who don't use jQuery or any other js-library ;)
链接地址:上一篇: 根据随机数将div移到某个表格单元格
下一篇: 如何将锚标签从一个地方附加到另一个地方?