Finding type signatures in Haskell
I'm playing with a small server in Haskell. As an exercise, I am manually adding type signatures.
import System.Posix (installHandler, sigPIPE, getFileStatus, fileSize, Handler(..))
import Network (listenOn, accept, PortID(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Binary
import Network.Socket (close)
import Control.Monad (forever, replicateM_)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (hGetContents, hPutStr, hSetBinaryMode, withFile, hClose, IOMode(..))
--here's what I want to add a type signature to
processRequest h = do
s <- hGetContents h
let req = takeWhile (/= "r") $ lines s
mapM_ (x -> putStrLn $ "> "++x) req
return $ words (head req) !! 1
Well there should be an easy way to figure this out, let's see what GHCI's type inference says:
Prelude> :l tinyserver.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( tinyserver.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> :info processRequest
processRequest :: GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle -> IO String
-- Defined at tinyserver.hs:26:1
Man that's a big type. Ok, let's add it:
processRequest :: GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle -> [Char] -> IO ()
processRequest h = do
That should do it. Is GHCI cool with this?
*Main> :l tinyserver.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( tinyserver.hs, interpreted )
Not in scope:
type constructor or class ‘GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Yuck. Maybe the name is too long. Let's try all the child types:
processRequest :: IO.Handle.Types.Handle -> [Char] -> IO ()
processRequest :: Handle.Types.Handle -> [Char] -> IO ()
processRequest :: Types.Handle -> [Char] -> IO ()
processRequest :: Handle -> [Char] -> IO ()
No, they all give me the same result.
What is the right way to find these types? GHCI? Hoogle? Something else?
链接地址:上一篇: Haskell类型的构造函数可以不是
下一篇: 在Haskell中查找类型签名