When can GHC infer constraint variables?

I am getting type inference errors because GHC will not infer a constraint variable. It looks inferable by first-order unification. In further investigation, I found that inserting let-bindings changes the behavior of type inference. I'd like to know what GHC is doing.

The code here demonstrates the problem. The newtype ConstrainedF c stands for a polymorphic function whose type parameter is constrained by c . As far as I can tell, GHC won't infer c based on the values given to ConstrainedF .

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, ConstraintKinds, MonoLocalBinds #-}

import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Prim(Constraint)

newtype ConstrainedF c =
  ConstrainedF { runConstrainedF :: forall a. c a => [a] -> a}

applyConstrainedF :: forall c a. c a => ConstrainedF c -> [a] -> a
applyConstrainedF f xs = runConstrainedF f xs

-- GHC cannot infer the type parameter of ConstrainedF
foo :: [Int]
foo = applyConstrainedF (ConstrainedF mconcat) [[1], [2]]
--foo = applyConstrainedF (ConstrainedF mconcat :: ConstrainedF Monoid) [[1], [2]]

It should be possible to infer types in the application ConstrainedF mconcat :

  • ConstrainedF has type forall c. (forall a. ca => [a] -> a) -> ConstrainedF c forall c. (forall a. ca => [a] -> a) -> ConstrainedF c .
  • mconcat has type forall b. Monoid b => [b] -> b forall b. Monoid b => [b] -> b .
  • forall b. Monoid b => [b] -> b forall b. Monoid b => [b] -> b unifies with forall a. ca => [a] -> a forall a. ca => [a] -> a by the assignment a := b and c := Monoid .
  • However, GHC complains:

    Could not deduce (Monoid a) arising from a use of `mconcat'
    from the context (c0 a).

    What rules do I have to follow regarding constraint variables so that GHC can infer types?

    A typical solution for ambiguous type errors is to add proxy values to constrain the ambiguous type. This was finicky when I tried it. If I just add an extra parameter to constrain the type of c , it works:

    data Cst1 (c :: * -> Constraint) = Cst1
    monoid :: Cst1 Monoid
    monoid = Cst1
    applyConstrainedF :: forall c a. c a => ConstrainedF c -> Cst1 c -> [a] -> a
    applyConstrainedF f _ xs = runConstrainedF f xs
    foo :: [Int]
    foo = applyConstrainedF (ConstrainedF mconcat) monoid [[1], [2]]

    But introducing a let binding in foo confuses type inference, and it can no longer unify c with Monoid .

    foo_doesn't_work :: [Int]
    foo_doesn't_work = let cf = ConstrainedF mconcat
                       in applyConstrainedF cf monoid [[1], [2]]

    Since type inference gets the right answer in one of these two functions, this tells me that GHC will unify constraint variables in some situations but not others. I don't understand what's going on.

    The problem here is subtyping. In your example, c could as well be (Monoid b, Eq b) .

    Furthermore, you could then use Data.Typeable to inspect what c was instantiated with.

    Or, what if you asked to "unify" (c, d) (a pair of constraints) with Monoid ?

    The answer to the second part of your question is — you guessed it! — let generalization.

    I know that you guessed it since you've added a MonoLocalBinds pragma. However, it doesn't do what you expect here. You see, it only stops generalization of truly local bindings — ones that depend on function parameters or other local bindings.

    Eg this works:

    foo_does_work :: () -> [Int]
    foo_does_work x =
      let cf = const (ConstrainedF mconcat) x
      in applyConstrainedF cf monoid [[1], [2]]

    For the details see Let generalisation: Which bindings are affected?

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/43076.html

    上一篇: 用fundeps捆绑约束

    下一篇: GHC何时可以推断约束变量?