Convincing GHC that `Maybe Void` is a unit type

I have a type family IfEq (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) o that evaluates to o or Void depending on wether n :== m . Since Maybe Void is only inibited by Nothing I should be able to define a function Maybe (IfEq nmo) -> Maybe o but I can't figure it out.

Follow up: Can this generalized from the Maybe monad to a more general type? (eg. all MonadPlus s)

EDIT: I had initially rolled my own Nat but (thank's to @chi) with the GHC Nat kind KnownNat constrait it pretty straightforward to do what I describe above. However GHC can not infer KnownNat a => KnownNat (1+a) which is imperative to me so I am back at square 1.


foo :: forall n m o . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) =>
       IfEq n m o -> Maybe o
foo x = case sameNat (Proxy :: Proxy n) (Proxy :: Proxy m) of
   Just Refl -> Just x
   Nothing -> Nothing

上一篇: 推断泛型类型的嵌套静态泛型函数

下一篇: 说服GHC说`Maybe Void`是一种单位类型