Creating many similar newtypes/typeclass instances in Haskell

I am a beginner in Haskell and trying to learn about typeclasses and types. I have the following example (which represents a real problem in algebra that I am working on), in which I define a type which just wraps Num instances, and a typeclass which defines a binary operation baz .

newtype Foo i = B i deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

class Bar k where
    baz :: k -> k -> k

instance Num k => Bar (Foo k) where
    baz (B a) (B b) = B (f a b)

f :: Num a => a -> a -> a
f a b = a + b

When defining Bar to be an instance of this, I realize that I want to be able to "vary" the function f with the type. To be clear: I want to supply a function f :: Num a => a -> a -> a and get back a new type Foo which is an instance of Bar . Say that I want to do this 5, 10 times with the only difference being different functions f . I can of course copy and paste the code above, but I wonder if there is another way?

It seems to me that I'm confusing things. What is the best way of doing something like this in Haskell? Is this a good choice of design, what am I thinking right/wrong and why?

EDIT: I realize that a concrete example might help to make the question clearer (beware that it may seem complicated, I was not able to simplify the code more than this. The question above contains the same information I think): the typeclass I am interested in is Algebra kv from the library HaskellForMaths:

class Algebra k b where
    unit :: k -> Vect k b
    mult :: Vect k (Tensor b b) -> Vect k b

Here k is a field (a mathematical structure such as the real or complex numbers), while v is a choice of basis in a vector space. I would want to use it something like this

newtype Basis i = T i deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type Expression k = Vect k (Basis Int)

instance Algebra k Basis where
    unit x = x *> return I
    mult = linear mult'
           where mult' (T x ,T y) = comm x y
           where comm a b = sum $ map (c -> structure a b c *> t c) [0..n]

t :: Int -> Expression k
t a = return (T a)

and then vary the map structure as I please. Here the type T is just a convenient way of writing abstract basis elements T 1, T 2, ... . The reason I want to do it is the standard mathematical definition of an algebra in terms of its structure constants (here: structure ). To summarize: I want to be able to vary the function f (preferably not at compile time?) and get back an algebra. This may be a bad design decision: if so, why?

You can use reflection. This is a fairly advanced technique, and there may be better ways to solve your problem, but the way you have stated it it seems like this is what you're looking for.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Data.Reflection
import Data.Proxy

class Bar k where
    baz :: k -> k -> k

newtype Foo f i = B i       -- f is a type level representation of your function
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance (Num k, Reifies f (k -> k -> k)) => Bar (Foo f k) where
    baz (B a) (B b) = B (reflect (Proxy :: Proxy f) a b)

mkFoo :: forall i r. (i -> i -> i) -> i
      -> (forall f. Reifies f (i -> i -> i) => Foo f i -> r) -> r
mkFoo f x c = reify f ((p :: Proxy f) -> c (B x :: Foo f i))

main = do
    mkFoo (+) 5 $ foo1 -> do
    print $ foo1 `baz` B 5  -- 10

    mkFoo (*) 5 $ foo2 -> do
    print $ foo2 `baz` B 5  -- 25

    print $ foo1 `baz` foo2 -- type error

There is a lot going on here, so a few notes.

Reifies f (k -> k -> k)

is a constraint that means that f is a type-level representation of a function of type k -> k -> k . When we reflect (Proxy :: Proxy f) (a fancy way of passing the type f to reflect since explicit type application was not until recently allowed), we get the function itself back out.

Now to the nasty signature of mkFoo

mkFoo :: forall i r. (i -> i -> i) -> i
      -> (forall f. Reifies f (i -> i -> i) => Foo f i -> r) -> r

The first forall is there for ScopedTypeVariables , so we can refer to the type variables within the body of the function. The second one is a genuine rank-2 type,

(forall f. Reifies f (i -> i -> i) => Foo f i -> r) -> r

and it is a common encoding of an existential type, since Haskell doesn't have first class existentials. You can read this type as

exists f. ( Reifies f (i -> i -> i) , Foo f i )

or some such—it returns a type f together with evidence that f is a type-level representation of a function i -> i -> i , and a Foo fi . Observe in main that to use this "existential", we call the function with continuation passing style, that is

mkFoo (+) 5 $ foo -> -- what to do with foo

Within the function, foo behaves like it has type Foo f0 Integer where f0 is a brand new type made just for this function.

It's quite nice that it won't let us baz together Foo s from different f s, but unfortunately it's not smart enough to allow us to baz together Foo s made with the same function using different calls to mkFoo , so:

mkFoo (+) 5 $ foo1 -> mkFoo (+) 5 $ foo2 -> foo1 `baz` foo2  -- type error

This is a supplement to my other answer, the solution I would actually suggest if your intention is to solve the practical problem rather than explore what is possible. It just converts the typeclass to "dictionary passing style", and doesn't use any fancy extensions or anything.

data Bar k = Bar { baz :: k -> k -> k }

newtype Foo i = B i

fooBar :: (i -> i -> i) -> Bar (Foo i)
fooBar f = Bar { baz = (B x) (B y) -> B (f x y) }

Then when you have a function that uses this, pass it a Bar dictionary:

doThingsWithFoos :: Bar (Foo Int) -> Foo Int -> Foo Int -> Foo Int
doThingsWithFoos bar a b = baz bar a (baz bar a b)

It's a bit more verbose to use, but this kind of solution is remarkably flexible. Dictionaries are completely first-class, so, for example, you can start doing higher level manipulations on the dictionaries themselves:

transportBar :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Bar a -> Bar b
transportBar f finv bar = Bar { baz = x y -> f (baz bar (finv x) (finv y)) }

sumBar :: (Num a) => Bar a -> Bar a -> Bar a
sumBar bar1 bar2 = Bar { baz = x y -> baz bar1 x y + baz bar2 x y }

Both of these transformations would be a major pain using typeclasses.

This is actually not that different to the answer by luqui, but instead of defining the mapping from an phantom type f to a concrete function at runtime using reify we do this at compile time. This makes the code a bit simpler and easier to use.

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

class Bar k where
  baz :: k -> k -> k

-- Foo has now another phantom type variable, that we use to pick the 
-- desired f.
newtype Foo f k = B k

-- | GetF is used to retrieve a function for a given type label.
class GetF f k where
  appF :: Foo f k -> Foo f k -> Foo f k

-- Now we can make an instance for Bar if we have an instance for GetF
instance GetF f k => Bar (Foo f k) where
  baz x y = appF x y

-- = Usage example

-- | Add is just a label. We never use it at value level.
data Add

instance Num k => GetF Add k where
  appF (B x) (B y) = B (x + y)

example :: Foo Add Int
example = B 1 `baz` B 2 -- = B 3

上一篇: 我应该使用typeclasses或不?

下一篇: 在Haskell中创建许多类似的newtypes / typeclass实例