Using the Maybe Monad in "reverse"
Let's say I have a number of functions:
f :: a -> Maybe a
g :: a -> Maybe a
h :: a -> Maybe a
And I want to compose them in the following way: If f returns Nothing, compute g. If g returns Nothing, compute h. If any of them compute Just a, stop the chain. And the whole composition (h . g . f) should of course return Maybe a.
This is the reverse of the typical use of the Maybe monad, where typically you stop computing if Nothing is returned.
What's the Haskell idiom for chaining computations like this?
is exactly what you're looking for, part of the MonadPlus
typeclass. Here's its definition:
instance MonadPlus Maybe where
mzero = Nothing
Nothing `mplus` ys = ys
xs `mplus` _ys = xs
To use it in your case:
combined x = (f x) `mplus` (g x) `mplus` (h x)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
join $ find isJust [f x, g y, h z]
I guess you mean:
f,g,h:: a -> Maybe b
Using MonadPlus
f x `mplus` g x `mplus` h x
You might want to use the StateT Monad:
function = runReaderT $ ReaderT f `mplus` ReaderT g `mplus` ReaderT h
f,g,h are ReaderT a Maybe b (up to the ReaderT)
or using msum:
function = runReaderT $ msum $ map ReaderT [f,g,h]
上一篇: 是否可以使用类型类约束的类型同义词?
下一篇: 在“反向”中使用Maybe Monad