
当我在使用PureScript时,我发现我想写一个类别类别Sync ,它会等待任意异步值在Aff monad中解析。 我写的类型类似这样:

class Sync s eff a where
  sync :: s -> Aff eff a

现在我想为websocket连接创建Sync实例,它将等待连接打开并可供读/写。 我写的例子看起来像这样:

instance syncConnection :: Sync Connection (ws :: WEBSOCKET | eff) Unit where
  sync (Connection socket) =
    makeAff $ fail continue ->
      set socket.onopen $ _ ->
        continue unit


Type class instance head is invalid due to use of type

  ( ws :: WEBSOCKET
  | eff

All types appearing in instance declarations must be of the form T a_1 .. a_n, where each type a_i is of the same form.

来自Haskell,这对我来说很有意义 - 它反映了我需要启用FlexibleInstances扩展的情况,而PureScript似乎不支持这种扩展,但我仍然想知道是否可以实现我想要的通用性。


class Sync s m a where
  sync :: s -> m a

newtype WebSocketAff a = WebSocketAff (Aff (ws :: WEBSOCKET) a)


是否有任何技巧可以用来完成这项工作而不会完全违背通用主义的目的? 或者是在PureScript中目前不能表达的那种东西?



class Sync s eff a | s -> eff where -- FunDep here: eff is determinded via s
  sync :: s -> Eff eff a

data ConsoleSync = ConsoleSync

instance syncWithConsole :: Sync ConsoleSync (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit where
  sync _ = log "hello"

foo :: ∀ eff. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit
foo = sync ConsoleSync



instance syncConnection :: forall eff. Sync Connectionync Connection . . .

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/43541.html

上一篇: Typeclass instance with row type in instance head?

下一篇: Inferring general typeclass instance from a series of smaller ones?