Learning Windows Forms vs. Windows Presentation Foundation
So I've been thinking of going for Microsoft certification and I have to make a choice (for now) between Windows Forms and WPF for developing Windows applications. I have had good exposure to Windows Forms but never tried WPF before. Furthermore, most of the job postings where I live seem to be WinForms-oriented. That might change in the next few years, so I was wondering if I should get started on learning WPF or stick to the tried and true Forms.
Any insight?
In short, I'd say if you want to be 'future-proof' learn WPF.
In "enterprise" programming, I don't see an immediate need for WPF development. The reasons for this:
Software for the "home market" is another story.
If you want to go the certification route to learn then WPF is a good choice. It will take a few years before it will really take over from winforms but It's a safe bet it will so it's a good investment to learn.
If you're more of a self learner and just want to get certified to improve your chances on the job market then I'd go with winforms for the certification. You can pick up WPF when you need it. By the time you really need to have a WPF certification it will probably be easier for you because you've already used it.
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