Java: How do I perform list operations with different definitions of equals?

Java: How do I perform list operations with different definitions of equals?

I have two lists of generic POJOs. I need to perform some set operations on the lists based on different ways of comparing the POJOs within the lists.

For example, if my POJO had the following structure:

public class GenericPojo {
    private String id;
    private String address;
    private String city;
    private String country;
    private String extraDetails;

(with the appropriate getters and setters)

Given List1<GenericPojo> and List2<GenericPojo> , how would I find:

List1 - List2 (where the GenericPojo classes are equal if just the IDs are equal)

Intersect of List1 and List2 (where id , address , city , country , but not extraDetails of GenericPojo are equal)

Would two different custom comparator classes be helpful here? Are there any libraries that handle these operations effectively or should I try implementing my own?

If you must manipulate class out of your control, I would suggest using delegation. Here is my try:

  • Create a RichList<T> wrapper around List s implementing the List contract, based on the decorator pattern.
  • Create an EqualityChecker<T> inteface, with a single method `public boolean equal( T t1, T, t2).
  • Implement this interface for your generic pojo twice: one checking just the ID and the other checking the other fields.
  • Add both methods you are interested in (set substraction and set intersection), but with a supplementary argument which is the EqualityChecker<T> concrete instance that will do the equality test for you.
  • So you can add both operations to all existing List s for any kind of object for which you have written an EqualityChecker .

    Further improvements: You can also write a default EqualityChecker<T> which just calls the equals method of the compared objects. You can then overload both new operations to default the EqualityChecker .

    If your lists contain no duplicates (with repsect to the hypothetical custom comparator classes) you can use two TreeSets instead, instantiated with your two comparators respectively.

    A drawback of this (apart from the duplication constraint) is that the order you get when iterating over elements depend on the comparators.

    鉴于您对平等的具体要求, List#removeAll()List#retainAll()将不符合您的需求,所以我认为您需要一个自定义实现来执行与这两种操作类似的操作。


    上一篇: Zend Framework应用程序层中的主/从切换

    下一篇: Java:我如何使用equals的不同定义执行列表操作?