Audio stopped in avi file using gstreamer

I tried to play avi file using gst-launch utility. when i played seperatly audio and video both are working fine.if i tried run both using

gst-launch filesrc location=sample.avi ! avidemux name=demux demux.audio_00 ! adpcmdec ! alsasink demux.video_00 ! queue ! ffdec_mpeg4_msv2 ! xvimagesink

audio stoping. gst-launch playbin uri=file:///sample.avi with playbin working fine.

Can some body tell the reason and do i need to set any other arguments in pipeline. Thanks in advance

You forgot the queue on the audio side: gst-launch filesrc location=sample.avi ! avidemux name=demux demux.audio_00 ! queue ! adpcmdec ! alsasink demux.video_00 ! queue ! ffdec_mpeg4_msv2 ! xvimagesink


上一篇: 如何使用gstreamer将网络摄像头视频保存到文件?

下一篇: 音频在使用gstreamer的avi文件中停止