Automatic conversion of GWT web app to Mobile App
Is there any tool to convert automatically the existing gwt web application to mobile gwt using mgwt or or any other mobile gwt widgets with out any effort? for example we can add mgwt in the classpath and swap the widgets, can we avoid the above steps by any way a tool automatically take care of conversion?
Thanks in advance
No, there is no tool that allows such conversion.
I think you should consider several important factors.
First, most apps need at least some changes when adjusted to smartphone screens compared to desktop versions. While you can re-use a lot of code, if your app is architected properly, many if not all views may need to change. In some cases you may realize that required changes are significant (eg a tree on the left side with a DataGrid on the right side won't work on a smartphone screen).
Second, MGWT uses a different layout model. There is no equivalent to LayoutPanel, VerticalPanel, DockLayoutPanel, etc. - all of these layouts are achieved through flex-box layout model, which is fundamentally different.
NB: If you think that you app already looks and works correctly on small screens, there is probably no need to convert it.
链接地址:上一篇: 将GWT异常迁移到Ext GWT