iOS: Text disappearing from subclassed UITextfield when responder resigns

I am experiencing issues where the text I have input into a UITextField is disappearing whenever it is resigned as the first responder. When you tap back into the text field, the text re-appears. The UITextField subclass has nothing in it apart from a slight rounding to the corners. I will be adding more at a later date. Has anyone experienced issues like this before?

Here is my code. Like I said there is nothing in this subclass apart from the rounding of the corners. I will be putting code to add padding to the textfield later.


import UIKit

class EVTextField: UITextField
  override func layoutSubviews()
    layer.cornerRadius = 2.0

Step by step guide to replicate

  • Tap on UITextField.
  • Enter text.
  • Either dismiss keyboard or tap into next UITextField.
  • Text seems to disappear in previously resigned UItextField.
  • Video Example Weirdtextfield

    Found the problem, I had forgotten to call super.layoutSubviews() when rounding the corners of my UITextFields. Stupid mistake.


    if (self.emailTextField.isFirstResponder) {
        [self.emailTextField resignFirstResponder];
    if (self.passwordTextField.isFirstResponder) {
        [self.passwordTextField resignFirstResponder];

    上一篇: 如何在文本字段和视图之间切换第一个响应者

    下一篇: iOS:响应者辞职时,文本从子类UIText字段中消失