Inno setup window title is corrupted (botva2.dll)

I created multi-language setup + VCL-styles, and I had a problem with standard progressbar(progressgauge) - it flickers and looks ugly overall. So I used botva2.dll with 2 png's and now it looks perfect - but the problem now is: after ImgLoad call

function ImgLoad(Wnd :HWND; FileName :PAnsiChar; Left, Top, Width, Height :integer;     Stretch, IsBkg :boolean) :Longint; external 'ImgLoad@{tmp}botva2.dll stdcall delayload';

wizardform title is corruprted, and as far as I understand its because botva2 is not unicode and it subclasses a wnd (Wizardform in my case), and as a result window title is corrupted in current language isnt a system language. I tried creating TPanel and feeding botva a panel handle - its not working, unfortunately. I tried adding doublebuffer to original progressgauge and making somehow look good - with no result. Any ideas or workarounds?

PS. Summoning @TLama...


上一篇: Inno Setup访问冲突中的C#DLL

下一篇: Inno设置窗口标题已损坏(botva2.dll)