Silverlight bind collection to Combobox in DataForm using MVVM

I have this problem, I've got Silverlight app written using MVVM. I need to create DataForm which is binded to property on ViewModel and I want to add ComboBox and fill it with values from other collection in the same ViewModel.


<dataFormToolkit:DataForm CurrentItem="{Binding NewUser, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoGenerateFields="False" Height="298">

                        <dataFormToolkit:DataField Label="Email">
                            <TextBox Text="{Binding Email, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

                        <dataFormToolkit:DataField Label="Język">
                            <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Languages, Mode=TwoWay}"/>


All this is handled by NewAccountVM which has these properties:

private User newUser;
    public User NewUser { 
            return newUser; 
            if (value != newUser)
                newUser = value;

    private ObservableCollection<Language> languages;

    public ObservableCollection<Language> Languages
        get { return languages; }
            if (languages != value)
                languages = value;

Now, all this works besides adding ItemsSource to ComboBox. I've found many examples showing how fill CB in CodeBehind, but like I said I want to do this in MVVM-Style :) I understand that, ComboBox inherited DataContext from DataForm, and this ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Languages, Mode=TwoWay}" will not work, but I have no idea how to achieve my goal.

Can somebody help me?

1) Declare the viewmodel to the view in the resources section.

    <local:MyViewModel x:Key="myViewModel" />

2) Bind the ComboBox to the collection property on the viewmodel.

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Languages, 
                                Source={StaticResource myViewModel}, 


    <Binding Source="{StaticResource myViewModel}" />

Scenario A: 1. Assume you wish to populate a combo with all the membership Roles, and allow the client to select the role and assign to the User : ie ObjectA : Aspnet_Role ie ObjectB : User

  • Let us say User.MembershipRoleId is to be bound to Aspnet_Role.RoleId

  • Dataform is bound to ObjectB

  • Combobox in dataform is populated with List
  • In XAML write the following:

    <Combobox DisplayMemberPath="RoleName" SelectedValue="{Binding MembershipRoleId,Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedValuePath="RoleId" />

  • here the mapping is, ObjectB.MembershipRoleId=ObjectA.RoleId

    Scenario B: 1. If you do not want to explicitly define by the way in ScenarioA, then in that case, define a ForeignKey-PrimaryKey relationship between the tables in the database like ForeignKey -> User.MembershipId PrimaryKey -> Aspnet_Roles.RoleId 2. From the ADO.NET (.edmx) file, update the model from the database, you will observe that in the User entity there is an association made upon entity Aspnet_Roles 3. In XAML write the code as below to bind the combobox, to the desired field of the Dataform

    <Combobox DisplayMemberPath="RoleName" SelectedItem="{Binding MembershipRoleId,Mode=TwoWay}" .... />

    上一篇: WPF DataTemplate组合框绑定问题

    下一篇: 使用MVVM将Silverlight绑定到DataForm中的Combobox