Options for handling a frequently changing data form
What are some possible designs to deal with frequently changing data forms?
I have a basic CRUD web application where the main data entry form changes yearly. So each record should be tied to a specific version of the form. This requirement is kind of new, so the existing application was not built with this in mind.
I'm looking for different ways of handling this, hoping to avoid future technical debt. Here are some options I've come up with:
What other possibilities are there? Does anyone have experience doing this? I'm looking for some design patterns to help deal with the complexity.
First, I will speak to your solutions above and then I will give my answer.
correct. Also, whatever database you are using has a max on how many columns it can handle and how many bytes it can have in a row. That could become another concern.
If I had to do this:
since it will allow you to loop through them without knowing the name of every element. Then insert into tbInputValues the ID of the input and its value. I think this solution may not seem like the most eloquent but if executed correctly I do think it is your most flexible solution that requires the least amount of technical debt.
I think the third approach (XML) is the most flexible. A simple XML structure is generated very fast and can be easily versioned and validated against an XSD.
You'd have a table holding the XML in one column and the year/version this xml applies to.
Generating UI code based on the schema is basically a bad idea. If you do not require extensive validation, you can opt for a simple editable table.
If you need a custom form every year, I'd look at it as kind of a job guarantee :-) It's important to make the versioning mechanism and extension transparent and explicit though.
For this particular app, we decided to deal with the problem as if there was one form that continuously grows. Due to the nature of the form this seemed more natural than more explicit separation. We will have a mapping of year->field for parts of the application that do need to know which data is for which year.
For the UI, we will be creating a new page for each year's form. Dynamic form creation is far too complex in this situation.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/44780.html下一篇: 处理频繁更改的数据表单的选项