Status of CEDET and ECB in Emacs 24.2
I am a bit confused of what I need to do to run CEDET and ECB in Emacs 24.2.1.
The Emacswiki has the following text:
How to enable the CEDET tools which were merged with Emacs
In Emacs 23.2, CEDET was merged into the main Emacs distribution. The configuration code which is explained in CEDET tutorials doesn't work anymore. For instance you cannot use (semantic-load-enable-gaudy-code-helpers) to enable the useful features.
TODO: please explain what code you need to load the most useful IDE tools provided by CEDET
I got a basic configuration to work with the following in my .emacs:
(global-ede-mode 1)
(require 'semantic/sb)
(semantic-mode 1)
You need to take into account several things:
PS I'll try to answer to more questions here, or you can write to me directly via e-mail
Q1: Yes and no: CEDET is bundled, but ECB is not. While CEDET is bundled, the main development keeps happening outside of Emacs's repository for partly historical and partly technical reasons.
Q2: (semantic-mode 1)
and (global-ede-mode 1)
should be sufficient to enable CEDET (no need to (require 'semantic/sb)
). As for ECB, since it's not bundled, ...
Emacs Code Browser rocks, but it took me a few days to figure out how to set it up to my satisfaction on my current Emacs 24.5.1. Hopefully, the following instructions will help make it more popular going forwards.
Step 1: on Ubuntu: install texinfo via:
sudo apt-get install texinfo
This actually installs makeinfo which is needed in order to install ecb. Macs may already have makeinfo installed -- I don't think I had to install texinfo on my Mac.
Step 2: Use el-get to install ecb. Do a web search on 'el-get emacs' to find out more about el-get. The advantage of using el-get is that it will automagically take care of adding ecb to your emacs load path.
BTW, it seems to take a good 15 or so minutes to install ecb using el-get. Be patient and don't exit emacs if it tells you it has an active process running..
When el-get has finished, it will show a message : ecb has been installed successfully (or something to that effect)
Step 3: Add the following to your emacs init file (either ~/.emacs.d/init.el or ~/.emacs -- make the edits to whichever of these two files is already present)
;; start of ecb configuration/customization:
(require 'ecb)
(setq stack-trace-on-error t)
(setq ecb-version-check nil)
(setq ecb-layout-name "left15")
(setq ecb-tip-of-the-day nil)
(setq ecb-primary-secondary-mouse-buttons 'mouse-1--mouse-2)
(setq ecb-source-file-regexps
'((".*" . (("(^(.|#)|(~$|.(pyc|elc|obj|o|class|lib|dll|a|so|cache)$))")
;; disable global semantic idle scheduler.
;; it doesn't really seem to work all that well in automatically
;; reparsing buffers and it's actually intrusive when i'm typing:
(add-hook 'ecb-activate-hook
(semantic-mode t)
(setq global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode nil)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook
(when (bound-and-true-p ecb-minor-mode)
;; this is to get the methods buffer to refresh correctly.
;; semantic idle mode refresh doesn't seem to work all that well.
(run-at-time 1 nil 'semantic-force-refresh)
(set-face-attribute 'ecb-default-general-face nil
:inherit 'default)
(set-face-attribute 'ecb-default-highlight-face nil
:background "#464646")
(set-face-attribute 'ecb-tag-header-face nil
:background "#464646")
;; end of ecb configuration/customization
Step 4: Restart emacs, open a python source file (as a test example) in emacs and then type: Mx ecb-activate
If you get a methods list window on the left and the source file view on the right, you've got it working.
链接地址:上一篇: emacs中的CEDET(命令行模式)