in like StackOverflow's input tags?

What solutions accomplish the same auto-completion that SO uses for entering tags?

There are plugins that can handle one word but I haven't seen any that handle multiple words.

In order of activity, demos/examples available, and simplicity:

  • (demo)
  • (demo)
  • (demo)
  • (demo)
  • (demo)
  • (demo)
  • (demo) (this isn't really a tagging plugin)
  • (demo?)
  • (demo?)
  • (demo?)
  • (demo?)
  • Related:


  • Bootstrap: If you are using Bootstrap. This is a really good one: Select2

    Also, TokenInput is an interesting one. First, it does not depend on jQuery-UI, second its config is very smooth.

    The only issue I had it does not support free-tagging natively. So, I have to return the query-string back to client as a part of response JSON.

    As @culithay mentioned in the comment, TokenInput supports a lot of features to customize. And highlight of some feature that the others don't have:

  • tokenLimit: The maximum number of results allowed to be selected by the user. Use null to allow unlimited selections
  • minChars: The minimum number of characters the user must enter before a search is performed.
  • queryParam: The name of the query param which you expect to contain the search term on the server-side
  • Thanks culithay for the input.

    This originally answered a supplemental question about the wisdom of downloading jQuery versus accessing it via a CDN, which is no longer present...

    To answer the thing about Google. I have moved over to accessing JQuery and most other of these sorts of libraries via the corresponding CDN in my sites.

    As more people do this means that it's more likely to be cached on user's machines, so my vote goes for good idea.

    In the five years since I first offered this, it has become common wisdom.


    上一篇: 有没有W3C有效的方式来禁用HTML表单中的自动完成?

    下一篇: 在像StackOverflow的输入标签?