Gated Checkins in TFS2010

I wish to utilize the new gated check-in function of TFS 2010.

I have about 10 solutions, that all share as a dependency a proprietary shared-code library.

My structure is:


The question I have is, how can I set-off an integration of ALL projects that have the SharedCode project as a dependency?

It's possible someone can make breaking changes, and not be aware of it until one of the other projects is opened/built manually.

I want to only trigger a big integration build when check-ins are made against the SharedCode folder.

The problem is, if I map the source-paths required to actually run the builds for the other projects, check-ins are picked-up automatically against all THOSE projects too.

How can I have a gated-checkin controlled folder that is independent to the source actually required to run a build?

Cheers, Dave

If I understand right, you want to create a Build Definition as gated checkin that builds TeamProj/Proj1, TeamProj/Proj2, TeamProj/Proj3 when any source file in TeamProj/SharedCode is changed?

In this case, one solution that comes to my mind is the following:

  • Create the build definition with only source folder TeamProj/SharedCode.
  • Change the build template to do a TFS GET for the other folders
  • Change the build template to build all the three solutions Proj{1,2,3}, not the SharedCode solution.
  • Is this what you want?


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