Open Excel files on a remote computer

I want to programmatically open Excel files on a user's computer, read what is in the first cell, then save this to a mysql db on my webapp with the following info:

cell content (text)
file_updated_date (date)
  • Is this possible?
  • Will the user have to install a desktop application for me to open files on their computer, or can I get permission to run a script and return information from a website?
  • What language or technologies are available to open Excel files, read content, and send to an http endpoint? Is this a Ruby program?

  • RailsCast is going to be your friend. Learn it, like it, love it. That link should take your straight to his CSV/Excel importing video that can walk you through basically exactly what you're trying to do. As far as reading from the file goes anyways. As for writing back to the webserver, if the webserver doesn't move you can embed the address into your code and work from that. HTTPClient should be able to help you with that part.


    上一篇: XLS内容类型

    下一篇: 在远程计算机上打开Excel文件